Friday, July 20, 2012

Activity 5: Density

1. Run the Build an Atom simulation and build a neutral lithium atom and a neutral boron atom.  Take a picture, or a screen shot, of these two atoms and place them on your blog.  List the number of protons, neutrons and electrons for each. Also look up and post the density for each of the elements on your blog.

Here is my neutral Lithium atom, it has 3 Protons, 3 Electrons, and 3 Neutrons.  The density of Lithium is .534 -3

This is the neutral Boron atom, it has 5 Protons, 6 Neutrons, and 5 Electrons.  The Density of Boron is 2.08 -3

2. Define density and the equation for density and post on your blog.  

Density is how close or how tightly packed in materials are.  Density is a measure of how much matter is a certain volume.  The formula for density is D = m/v 

3. Run the Density simulation and complete one(your choice) of the prepared Teaching Ideas and post your results on your blog. The activity you choose should be one of the student intended activities.

I chose to run this activity.  Here is an image of my results.

The mystery block simulation was in the activity that I chose.  Here are the more detailed results of the simulation.

Letter of block
65.14 kg
3.38 L
19.27 kg/L
.64 kg
1 L
.64 kg/L
4.08 kg
5.83 L
.70 kg/L
3.10 kg
3.38 L
.92 kg/L
3.53 kg
1 L
3.53 kg/L

5. Identify and post on your blog the Science Standards that could be met through these activities completed in Activity 5

I think this would be a great standard to use since it talks about being able to group and identify materials based on density.

D.8.1 Observe, describe, and measure physical and chemical properties of elements and other substances to identify and group them according to properties such as density, melting points, boiling points, conductivity, magnetic attraction, solubility, and reactions to common physical and chemical tests. 

Another standard that this activity addresses is one regarding gathering data and using it to make conclusions.

C.4.5 Use data they have collected to develop explanations and answer questions generated by investigations

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